Privacy Policy
AETHON Engineering Consults Sole Proprietorship IKE (from now on: AETHON, or Processing Responsible, or Company ) residing in Athens (Alexandras Avenue, number 9) hereby informs in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (ΕΕ) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, from now on: GDPR) and the provisions of the national legislation on the protection of personal data (n. 4624/2019) in the capacity of Responsible Processing that processes personal data in the context of the operation of the EFFICIOUS electronic platform (from now on: EFFICIOUS, or platform), in case it is used by individual businesses or users/employees of companies (natural persons).
Which kinds of personal data does the EFFICIOUS collect and store?
As part of the operation of EFFIFIOUS, the following personal data are processed:
  • The basic data of a natural person (name/ surname, land phone number, email address, physical address, cellphone number)
  • Unique Identifiers (police identity number, tax identification number)
  • Business data (role, employer)
  • Online data (passwords)
  • Item data (details included in advertisements)
  • Message data exchanged between seller and buyer and between user and administrator of EFFICIOUS
  • Critics
  • Feedback data
  • EFF points (circular economy reward indicators)
  • Leaves points (environment protection index, per transaction)
  • User and/or resource photos
  • 2.
    Purposes of processing, and legal basis for processing personal data
    As part of the operation of EFFIFIOUS, the following personal data are processed:
  • User register or login & profile creation
  • Utilizing the Marketplace
  • Communication with the EFFICIOUS managers
  • Sending feedback for the continuous improvement of EFFICIOUS
  • Rewarding the users
  • All of the above processing purposes are based on the legal basis of the execution of a contract (Article 6.1 b of the GDPR) that connects the user of EFFICOUS with the Processor. The only exception is the purpose of "sending feedback for the continuous improvement of EFFICIOUS", which is based on the legal basis of the legitimate interest of the Controller (Article 6.1 f GDPR), i.e., the continuous improvement of the platform and the services provided through it to its user.
    Methods and sources of collecting personal data
    EFFICIOUS collects data from you directly through an online data entry, into the platform. As users of EFFICIOUS, you must enter real data, while if personal data of other natural persons (e.g. employees) is entered, you must first obtain the necessary consents from them.
    Transmission of personal data
    The Data Processor transmits the above data to third parties only when this is provided for by existing legislation as its obligation. Recipients of your personal data are also the company that offers AETHON server services.
    In addition, it is emphasized that your personal data is not transmitted to entities located within the European Economic Area.
    Data Security
    The security of your personal data is a high priority for AETHON. Therefore, AETHON protects your data through technical and organizational measures for its security and protection of them from any form of accidental or unlawful processing. It is emphasized that the employees of AETHON, who process personal data for EFFICIOUS, are committed to maintaining confidentiality. The measures taken are reviewed and modified when deemed necessary.
    Each time you enter your details (email and login code), you are granted access to your profile. This specific process is achieved, safely, through encryption during their transfer to the internet and AETHON's servers. By the same standards, you are given the possibility to change your Personal Secret Security Code (Password) as often as you wish. After entering the desired code, the new code is coded and stored in AETHON's systems. For this reason, you are the only one who knows your password and you are solely responsible for keeping the password confidential from third parties.
    Duration of data storage
    Your personal data is kept only for the period that is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was processed unless a different retention period is provided or permitted by applicable law.
    Your rights
    Through EFFIFIOUS, AETHON protects and ensures your rights regarding the use of your personal data and in particular, you have the following rights:
  • right of access to your personal data
  • right to correct your personal data
  • right to restrict the processing of your personal data (a) when you dispute the accuracy of the personal data and until its verification (b) when you object to the deletion of personal data but do not wish it to be deleted, (c) when the personal data are not necessary for the purposes of the processing, are nevertheless necessary for the establishment, exercise, support of legal claims, and (d) when you object to the processing and until it is verified that there are legitimate reasons that concern us and override the reasons for which you object to the processing
  • right to portability of your personal data to another Processor
  • right to object to the processing of your personal data (in the event that the processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Processor)
  • right to delete your personal data (note that if their deletion is impossible for the fulfillment of regulatory obligations, the Controller informs you accordingly)
  • You can exercise your rights with a request to the following address: [email protected] .
    The Controller's response to your request will take place within the statutory period of one (1) month from its receipt. If an extension of two (2) months is needed for the response to your request, due to its complexity or due to a large number of requests, the Data Controller will inform you with reasons as soon as possible.
    If you do not have an answer to your request, you have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority (postal address Kifissia’s 1-3, P.K. 115 23, Athens, tel. 210. 6475600, e-mail address (e- email: [email protected]).
    Automated decision-making and profiling
    The Processor does not, through EFFICIOUS, take decisions solely based on the automated processing of personal data, nor does it create profiles, as defined in Article 22 of GDPR.
    Changes to the current information regarding the Protection of Personal Data
    The Data Controller may modify the current Personal Data Protection Policy when deemed necessary for compliance with legislative/regulatory changes.
    Terms of use
    AETHON Consulting Engineers Sole Proprietorship (hereinafter: AETHON), with headquarters in Athens at 25 Emmanouil Benaki Street, owns and legally operates and manages the online platform hosted on the website (hereinafter: EFFICIOUS or Platform), which makes available to the Businesses registered in it for the registration of product exchange advertisements in the context of the circular economy.
    Businesses/Visitors of the Platform should carefully read the General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter: General Terms) and use it only if they agree with them.
    The General Terms define the terms and conditions according to which AETHON provides the registered Businesses of the Platform, as well as its Visitors, and are applicable, regardless of the electronic means that visitors and members may use to access the Platform and constitute a legally binding agreement between the Businesses/Visitors of the Platform and AETHON. With the access and navigation of the website by the Visitor and/or the registration of the Businesses on the Platform, the reading, understanding, and unconditional acceptance by the Visitors and the Businesses, as they are legally represented, of the General Terms is confirmed, while the Businesses / Its visitors agree that they are legally bound by the General Terms and Conditions as if they had signed them.
    AETHON, depending on the development and evolution of the Platform, may expand or modify the services it provides through it, including new ones, or replace Services, activities, or content, always with a view to improving the services it provides through EFFICIENT. In the event that visitors/members disagree with any of the terms and/or all of them, they must not use any of the Platform's services. Any use of these services or some of them by the above persons implies their unconditional acceptance and compliance with the General Terms, while every time they enter they reconfirm their agreement with these General Terms.
    In addition, AETHON may from time to time modify or replace all and/or part of the General Terms at its absolute discretion and/or when the modification/replacement is required by law, without prior notice. Any modifications will be effective from the date they are posted on the website. Finally, by accepting the General Terms in accordance with the above, Businesses/ Visitors expressly and unconditionally declare that they are of legal age that allows them to be bound by the General Terms.
    Access to the Platform
    Access to the Platform is currently free and free of charge, as its operation is currently at the pilot stage. Excluded from the use of the Platform are the costs of connection through the telecommunication services provided by the telephone and internet provider of your choice. AETHON reserves its right, after the end of the pilot phase of the Platform, to change its pricing policy at any time and to impose a fee for the provision of services through the Platform, after informing the Businesses.
    Access to the Platform is temporary. AETHON reserves the right to remove or modify the Platform without prior notice. AETHON is not responsible for any unavailability of the Platform or any part of it at any time or for any period of time, whatever the reason.
    Improper use of the Platform
    It is not permitted to use the Platform in an inappropriate manner, including, but not limited to, malicious actions towards the businesses or advertisements displayed on the Platform, or towards visitors to the Platform, or through the transmission of incorrect and untrue information.
    Sharing wheel: If the user is interested in collaboration (ongoing), then he is given the possibility, if he wishes, to participate in a sharing wheel. The sharing wheel is a chain of businesses that collaborate and exchange specific products, consistently with each other. More than two companies may be added to it and one of them may leave, whenever it wishes.
    EFF points: Circular economy reward indicators.
    Leaves: Environmental protection index, per transaction.
    Offer ad: The user has the ability, after answering a few introductory questions, to introduce the product/service available to him on the EFFICIOUS platform, through an offer ad.
    Demand ad: During the search for a product/service, the user can create a demand ad, to which an interested user of the platform can respond, in order to offer him what he is looking for. To enter his ad, the user must answer some introductory questions, corresponding to those of the offer ad, so that he is registered on the platform with the appropriate filters.
    Business: a natural or legal person who registers with EFFICIOUS, to use its services as a trader.
    Drafting an offer: The moment an entrepreneur locates the product/service he is interested in; he is given the opportunity to draft an offer in order to claim it. This offer starts with the selection of one of the three types of transactions previously defined, and the amount of money and/or product(s) offered together for the exchange.
    Acceptance of an offer: When the entrepreneur accepts the offer proposed to him by the interested entrepreneur, then a communication system is opened between the two businesses so that they can discuss the details of the transaction to be made.
    Current transaction: Defined as the transaction, in which both parties have accepted the offer and the communication system between them has been opened, but the transaction has not been completed (either because payment has not been made or because the product has not been received).
    Completed Transaction: Defined as the transaction in which both parties have accepted and confirmed that the transaction is complete (both payment and product receipt have been made).
    Use of the Platform
    User registration or login
    The Business registers and connects to the platform, in order to use its services, for product transactions. For registration, it is necessary to fill out relevant electronic forms that contain mandatory fields. Registration and participation in the Platform are free, personal, non-transferable, and non-assignable. The Company is responsible for the data and information they provide and AETHON relies exclusively and solely on its statements regarding its data and information. If a Business creates accounts in violation of any of the above (whether it has registered using fake data or third-party data, created more than one account for itself, falsified its identity, created accounts for third parties, etc.), AETHON reserves the right of the right:
  • to cancel the above accounts
  • to prohibit the creation of new accounts for such Business and/or deny or cancel its access to the Platform
  • seek any damages caused to AETHON as a result of the fraudulent use of the Platform
  • AETHON reserves the right to revoke the registration on the Platform and/or cancel all or part of the Company's rights. AETHON disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the inability of a Business to access the pages of the Platform. Finally, AETHON reserves the right to deactivate all Authorized User identification and access codes at any time if it is deemed that the Company does not comply with the General Terms.
    Creation of a user profile
    The Business upon registration will create a user profile, with all the information entered during registration, for itself and its business, together with settings for its management. Also, the profile will show the available EFF points and leaves, the recent transactions of the Company, and its notifications and messages. The Company has the possibility to edit the data entered during registration, at any time, on its profile page. She also has the right to delete her profile whenever she wishes, with the simultaneous deletion of her ads, as well as to reactivate her profile if she so wishes. Finally, there is the possibility of sending a confirmation e-mail during the registration of the Business, in the event that the password is forgotten during the connection, but also for the notifications or offers that will be received.
    Creation of an ad
    The Business can create a new ad or offer, which is registered in the marketplace. Edit and delete options are available in the Marketplace. It is possible to edit all the details of the ad by the Company, as well as to delete it.
    Creation and participation in a sharing wheel
    The Company has the possibility to invite one or more companies to cooperate for the creation of a sharing wheel. In addition, there is the possibility for the Company to apply for participation in an already existing sharing wheel.
    The ability of the user to communicate with the platform administrators & provide feedback
    In the contact form, the users can contact each other to resolve various issues. The user fills in his email and his question to receive a reply email. In addition, the Company has the ability to send feedback to report a technical problem it is facing or to suggest a new functionality.
    Reporting a user
    The Company has the ability to report (report) another user, if it observes suspicious behavior regarding their communication, the product it offers or the transaction between them.
    The ability to exchange messages (chatbot)
    When the user receives a notification that his offer request has been accepted by another user of the platform, then the possibility to chat between them will be opened, in order to exchange details related to the receipt and payment.
    User reward
    In the user's profile, his available EFF points and environmental leaves will be displayed, which will be renewed accordingly with each transaction. In addition, through which transactions he acquired them, and the ways in which he can redeem them.
    The contents of the Platform, including designs, applications, texts, images, and source code (collectively Content) are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. AETHON owns the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Content. Similarly, it is the owner of the Platform domain name, trademarks, distinctive features, and information related to the Platform, as well as the corresponding technology. Under no circumstances may the Content be used, reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form without the prior written and express permission of AETHON.
    The Company declares that it owns all the rights and licenses of the images, tokens, and content that may be included and/or published through the Platform, thereby releasing AETHON from any related liability.
    The Platform does not offer or offer for sale in any way the information, content and services offered through it by any third party.
    AETHON expressly reserves all intellectual property rights in the Platform and Content, the use of which is subject to the restrictions described below.
    For example, it is prohibited for the Company and the Authorized Users and any third party to:
  • remove the copyright or other proprietary rights contained in the Platform and/or
  • use the Platform Content in violation of any copyright, intellectual property right, or exclusive property right of AETHON or third parties and/or
  • use or cause others to use any automated system or software to extract content or data from the Platform (through so-called screen scraping, i.e., searching and systematically downloading data).
  • disclose the results of any benchmarking of the Platform or use them in competitive software development activities.
  • Final Provisions
    Final Terms
    The General Terms constitute the final and only terms in force regarding the operation of the Platform on behalf of AETHON to Businesses and supersede any previous conditions, previous contracts, and arrangements, written or oral, between AETHON and Businesses regarding the use of the Platform.
    No delay, negligence, or tolerance of AETHON in enforcing the observance of any present condition by the Business or Visitor of the Platform, does not constitute a waiver or impair its present right. If any of the present conditions were to be deemed by any competent Court of the Authority to be invalid and consequently unenforceable, this condition will not invalidate the rest of the present conditions, which will remain in full force.
    Invalidity of Terms
    In the event that any part hereof is declared or determined by a court decision to be invalid, such invalidity will not affect the validity of the remaining part hereof, which will remain in effect as if these General Terms had been executed with the invalid part deleted. AETHON will endeavor to replace any invalid term, with a new valid term, the effect of which will be the closest equivalent to the voided one.
    Applicable Law - Jurisdiction
    Any dispute between the contracting parties regarding the application, interpretation, or invalidity of the terms of the General Terms, the existence or non-existence of rights and obligations of the contracting parties by contract or tort, is interpreted in accordance with Greek laws and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the relevant courts of the city of Athens, to whose jurisdiction the parties voluntarily submit from today.
    Efficious Logo

    Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE (project code:Τ2EDK-00023)